This section contains some of the more frequently asked pavement questions. Each question is linked either to a place in this document that provides the answer or to a public web resource that answers the question posed.
- How do I find a Washington Asphalt Pavement Association member paving contractor in my area?
- Where can I find more information like this on hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavements?
- What is hot mix asphalt (HMA)?
- Is there a difference between tar and asphalt?
- What is a pavement’s purpose?
- How much do we use roads in the U.S.?
Pavement Types
- What types of pavement are there?
- Are there different kinds of hot mix asphalt?
- What are the benefits of paving with asphalt?
- What is Superpave?
- What is Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA)?
- What is asphalt treated base (ATB)?
- What is RAP and how is it used?
- What types of standard HMA mixes are used in Washington State (e.g., Class A, Class G, etc.)?
- What is a Modified Class B mix?