Design Catalog

This design catalog is intended to give general structural design and mix type selection guidance for some typical Washington State HMA pavements.  It is organized by general purpose, with each use type being addressed on a different page.  These guidelines are intended for use in lieu of other guidance or specification.  They are not intended to supercede official guidelines or specifications.



    Assumptions Recommended structural designs use the basic assumptions and classifications discussed below.  The limitations and applicability of these assumptions and classifications must be understood before using the recommended structural designs contained in this...

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    WAPA Design Checklist

    This page puts forth some basic guidance for use when designing HMA pavements and is meant to be used as a checklist.  When designing a pavement, the guidance listed here should at least be considered.  The guidance contained on this page is not absolute, however...

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    Residential Streets

    Residential streets are intended to provide access to adjacent residential properties.  They are designed for low speed, low traffic volume and relatively light loadings. Assumed Traffic Low speed, low traffic volume and relatively light loadings.  Truck traffic is...

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    Collector Streets

    Collector streets connect the residential streets with arterial routes.  They may have significant truck and bus traffic and their closure for paving could create substantial commuter delays. Assumed Traffic Low to intermediate speed, moderate traffic volume and some...

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    Rural Roads

    Rural roads consist of local roads whose primary function is to provide access to adjacent properties and arterial routes.  As described here, rural roads are low car and light truck traffic with some bus, heavy truck and local farm traffic.  Speeds vary but in many...

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    Arterials & Highways

    Arterials roads provide service to large areas and usually connect with other arterial roads or highways.  They are generally characterized by high traffic volume, heavy loading and widely varying speeds.  Highways are roads that provide primary transportation routes...

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    Parking Lots

    Parking lots are paved areas intended for vehicle parking and can vary widely in size, function and design.  Parking lots can be challenging to construct, but attention to the design and construction elements will lead to a successful project.  This page gives some...

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    Residential Driveways

    Residential driveways are small pavement sections intended for automobile use and parking with only an occasional medium truck. Assumed Traffic A low volume of low speed and stopped automobiles with an occasional medium truck. Vehicle Type Vehiclesper day Vehiclesper...

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    Bicycle, walking and golf cart paths are specifically intended for bicycles, golf carts, pedestrians and other non-vehicular traffic.  They are generally thinner than vehicular pavement and usually have a very smooth surface. Assumed Traffic Bicycles, golf carts,...

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    Recreational Facilities

    Recreational facilities include playgrounds, tennis courts, basketball courts and just about any other surface intended primarily for pedestrian use. Assumed Traffic Pedestrians and an occasional maintenance light truck. Design Considerations Pedestrians tend to like...

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