Parking Lots

Parking Lots

Parking Lots Parking lots are paved areas intended for vehicle parking and can vary widely in size, function and design.  Parking lots can be challenging to construct, but attention to the design and construction elements will lead to a successful project.  This page...
Parking Lots

Residential Driveways

Residential Driveways Residential driveways are small pavement sections intended for automobile use and parking with only an occasional medium truck. Assumed Traffic A low volume of low speed and stopped automobiles with an occasional medium truck. Vehicle Type...
Parking Lots


Pathways Bicycle, walking and golf cart paths are specifically intended for bicycles, golf carts, pedestrians and other non-vehicular traffic.  They are generally thinner than vehicular pavement and usually have a very smooth surface. Assumed Traffic Bicycles, golf...
Parking Lots

Recreational Facilities

Recreational Facilities Recreational facilities include playgrounds, tennis courts, basketball courts and just about any other surface intended primarily for pedestrian use. Assumed Traffic Pedestrians and an occasional maintenance light truck. Design Considerations...
Parking Lots

Heavy Industrial Facilities

Heavy Industrial Facilities “Heavy industrial facilities” encompasses any facility for use with heavily loaded vehicles such as industrial drives, truck parking, bus terminals, warehouse loading areas, log storage areas and container lots.  HMA is a...
Parking Lots


Airfields Airfield pavements are intended primarily for airplane traffic in stationary, taxiing and takeoff/landing modes.  HMA is a durable, high-strength pavement material that is entirely appropriate for use at all types of airports, from general aviation to...